Monday, October 11, 2010

Design For Life

In this series of evocative videos, Phillipe Starck exposes his philosophies on his designs. Stark talks about usefulness and sustainability in designs, and how design should help to have a better life. Disguised as a reality show, participants engaged in such a manner to expose Stark's ideals. During the video, Starck keeps implying to the contestant how design should be sustainable. However, at the same time, design has also got to be beneficial to the society.

I find it very interesting how Stark kicked out designers, because they were just trying to please Stark, even though their designs are good. I think this is a very important lesson for us, uni student, to think about why we chose to design. We do not design to please our tutors.

Blunt with lots of criticism, Starck's evaluation of useless products were illustrated by ipod cases and their irrelevance to real world issues stirred the contestants. Harsh as it might sound. But it's a harsh truth of the industrial designer and mass production in this world.

But what I think is the important thing in this video was to realise the story behind the product. Finding out about why it was made and the story behind it. Another part of it was also to find out the ending of the story. By understanding these things in designing products, thus we can design for life, knowing where the product will go in the end.

Last but not least, I have to say that this video reminds me of my own studio life here in UNSW.

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