Monday, September 20, 2010

Gary Hustwit: Objectified

After watching this video, I was very surprised by the complicated process of a design. Design is so much more than what I used to thought. I never realized how much thoughts are put into a product by a designer. The philosophy behind it, the connection of a product to its market, and so on. It's not only about the function and aesthetic.

When we design, we have to think about what the market wants. How they're going to interact with it, and the message has to be clear, what and how to use the product. This video shows that when a product clear and easier to understand, people react to it more positively. And when a design is confusing, we have proven in class how annoying it can be.

Sometimes we are oblivious of products around us. We never realized how complicated the process of a design. We never put in thought the consideration designers put into a product. Design isn't just about solving problems. Designs reacts to the user and creates connection with the users.

This video has open my eyes as how exactly the process of a good design is. It is so much more complicated than just a sketch and research.

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